Are You Registration Ready?


It is never too early to start planning for next semester because it will be here before you realize it!

Students who register early have the best pick of courses, payment plan options, and you don’t have to endure long wait times to connect with your advisor.  Don’t put additional stress on yourself by waiting until the last minute…get started today!

Road to Registration

Where applicable ensure the following has been completed:

  • Have you completed a 2023 -2024 FAFSA and listed the Fisk School Code 0003490. If not, please complete the 2023 - 2024 FAFSA at
  • Have all of your Financial Aid awards for FA-23 and SP-24 been Accepted or Declined in the Fisk student portal? If not, please visit
  • Have all required financial aid documents been received? If not, please visit the Office of Financial Aid.
  • If the Stafford loans (Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized) were Accepted in the Fisk student portal, have you completed Entrance Loan Counseling and the Master Promissory Note? If not, the loan documents can be completed at
  • If the parent wants /needs a parent PLUS loan, has the parent applied for the PLUS loan? The PLUS loan application can be completed at The parent will need to log in using their FSA User ID to log in to the website. (If the parent does not want a PLUS loan, you can skip the next question.)
  • If the parent has applied for a parent PLUS loan, has the parent completed the Master Promissory Note (MPN)? This can be completed at The parent will need their FSA User ID to log in to the website. (If the parent will not be taking a PLUS loan, you can skip this question.)
  • Have all outside scholarship award letters been sent to Fisk University?

Contact Information:

  1. Financial Clearance. Students must be Financially Cleared by Student Accounts before classes begin. A ledger with a financial clearance stamp must be obtained prior to move-in day and no later than the first day of classes. Being financially cleared means:
    • Signed Financial Responsibility Agreement on file (one per academic year).
    • Cleared by Financial Aid.
      • FAFSA completed.
      • All financial aid awards accepted/declined.
      • No required documents for financial aid.
    • Anticipated bill balance paid in full by the published payment deadline (refer to the academic calendar) or must have a signed Fisk University Payment Plan Agreement Contract (and be current on payment arrangement).
  1. Holds. Students must resolve financial holds prior to registration.
    • What is a hold. Depending on your financial situation with the University, Student Accounts can place the following holds on your account:
      • Business Hold – This hold is placed on accounts with past due balances, late on payment plan agreement, or for those that have not been financially cleared. This hold restricts the student from registering, accessing transcripts, viewing grades, participating in graduation services, and receive diplomas.
      • Payment Plan Hold – will be placed on your account if you are on a payment plan. This hold only restricts accessing transcripts. Unofficial transcripts are available for those students current on their payment plan.
    • Where can students view hold(s). Holds are visible on the Student Portal.
    • How to resolve holds. Students must reach out to Student Accounts to solve Business and Payment Plan holds.
  1. Payment Options:
    • In-person. Cash, checks, and money orders are accepted in person at Carnegie Hall. Please be mindful of social distancing protocols when visiting Carnegie Hall.
    • By mail. Check, money order, and cashier’s check may be mailed to Fisk University, Student Accounts – Carnegie Hall, 1000 17th Avenue North, Nashville TN, 37208.
    • Over the phone. Call Student Accounts at 615-329-8546 to make a credit card payment over the phone.
    • In the student portal – You can make a credit card payment directly on your billing statement. It is located under “My Ledger.”
  1. Deadlines.  To see the list of important dates related to your student account.
  1. FAQ section.
  2. How to schedule appointments

Preparing for your Advising Appointment  

Being prepared ahead of your advising appointment is the key to a successful session. Your advisor is a partner; a guide to assist you with navigating your path at Fisk and helping to prepare you for graduate studies or the transition into your chosen career.  Please be advised, students are primarily for understanding and  fulling all the degree requirements of your chosen program of study.   

To ensure that you capitalize on the appointment time to discuss these topics, it is crucial that students arrive to their session with a clear understanding of their degree requirements and have a general plan for the next semester’s courses.   

 To prepare for your session, please consider the following tips:  

 Research and be Come Prepared  

 You are expected to be aware of the university policies, requirements, and procedures, so do your homework in advance. Familiarize yourself with the academic bulletin and academic calendar to keep abreast of policies, important dates, and deadlines (e.g., last day to register, last day to drop a class, final exam dates, etc.).   

 Additionally, look at the course offerings in your Fisk Student Portal to choose your courses that are required for your major, as well as, classes that may be of interest as you consider your career and or graduate/professional school. Also, don’t forget to share your personal, academic, and career goals/expectations with your advisor.  Collegiate advising is a two-way street.     

 Become Familiar with your Degree Audit (Balance Sheet) 

 You are responsible for the tracking of the completion of your degree requirements.  Become familiar with the tracking method (e.g. balance sheet form), how to access one, and ask questions to ensure that you understand the process. 

 To get you started, please review your major requirements via the programs of study page here  

 Come with Questions 

 Consider bringing questions with you to your advising meeting. Remember, if you don’t understand something, ask for clarity.     

Initiate Contact Early and Often 

 Scheduling an appointment and including your specific needs allows advisors time to research your issue and or find the answer to your question ahead of your meeting time.  Remember, advising is more than just figuring out courses. They are a resource. Your advisor helps you apply your classroom knowledge to outside opportunities through service projects, research opportunities, and possible internships. Ideally, you should plan to meet with your advisor 1 or 2 times per semester.  Always be on time for your appointments and communicate if you need to change the date and or time.  

 Learn to Self-Advocate  

 Be honest about your circumstances and what you need to succeed.  Have this conversation early. Be proactive! 

 Know your Next Steps 

 Always leave a meeting knowing your next steps.  If there are any offices/staff/faculty you need to meet with next, ensure that you have location and contact info (name/email/phone) for them prior to leaving the meeting.  


 Everyone is invested in your success. When an advisor refers you to a specific office or expresses concerns about your attendance or performance, be open to their concerns and suggestions and follow-through.  

 How to schedule appointments: 

The Office of Academic Excellence and Student Performance (AESP)

Ready to Register?  

Directions on How to Register  

Navigate registration for courses using our registration instructions found here 

Please note, If you have holds placed onto your account, those must be addressed before registration for courses can commence.  

Common questions regarding registration:

Why does my registration session keep canceling?

  • The most common resolution for this error is that your pop-up blocker is enabled on your browser and you must have this feature disabled to continue on with your registration session. Below you will find links that explain how to disable your pop-up blocker:

Google Chrome


Internet Explorer 


Why don't I see the current course offering in my student portal?

  • The portal is configured to display the current term. However, you can change the term that you want to view by changing the term when logging in so that all information regarding the next term's classes will populate.

A business hold is preventing me from registering for class. What should I do next?

  • To have this hold removed you will need to meet with the Office of Student Accounts. After you are cleared by student accounts all of your registration privileges will be restored.

What do I do if and when a class is full?

  • You must contact the professor of the course in question. If approved, the professor must send an email to the Office of the Registrar stating that you have been granted access and is able to add you to the course.

How many hours do I need to be considered full-time?

  • Full-time registration status is 12-18 credit hours.  It is recommended that students aim to take 15-16 hours per semester in order to complete the degree requirements and stay on track for on-time graduation.